New Passport: Form DS-11

You must use this form if:
♦ You have never had a US passport; and
♦ You are 16 years old or older
Find the passport type or form you need below. If you get stuck or have any questions, contact us toll free (877) 253-0084.
You must print these forms clearly on plain, 8.5″ x 11″ white paper using either a laser or inkjet printer in black ink in order to get a passport online.
All forms require Adobe Acrobat Reader Software
If you do not have this installed, or are unsure about whether or not you need it, you can download the software completely free by clicking the button below.
Download Adobe ReaderYou must use this form if:
♦ You have never had a US passport; and
♦ You are 16 years old or older
♦ Your prior passport was issued when you were 16 or older.
♦ Your prior passport was issued within 15 years.
♦ Your prior passport is within your possession.
♦ Your prior passport is not mutilated or damaged.
♦ You must use this form if you need to change the name on your passport
♦ This form only applies if your passport is less than a year old.
♦ If your child is 15 years of age or under, please use the following form:DS11
♦ You will also need to use the Statement of Consent Regarding a Minor (DS-3053) form if one of the legal guardians or parents cannot be present at the acceptance agent.
♦ If your passport is Lost
♦ Stolen or Damaged
♦ You must fill out both the DS-11 and DS-64 forms
A Second Passport is for the following applicants:
♦ You are 16 years of age or above
♦ You are traveling between politically sensitive countries
♦ Your passport is tied up getting a visa but you need to travel abroad before the visa is done"
For customers who cannot obtain a travel itinerary, the U.S. Passport Agency will accept a company letter to be used in the place of airline tickets or travel itinerary (departure date should be within within 14 days).
Click Download to get the Business Letter
Download Proof of IdentificationIf your Driver's license or State issued ID has been issued or renewed in the past 6 months, you are required to fill out the Supplemental Questionnaire and provide copies of at least 5 secondary forms of identification
Click Download to get the list of secondary forms of identification
DownloadIf you do not have proof of citizenship, but you have had an adult passport before, you can do a file search. There will be a separate fee of $150 and must be paid by a separate check or money order made out to the U.S. Department of State.
Click Download to get the file search letter
Download Request for Second PassportIf you are a frequent traveler and you will be getting a visa stamp while traveling abroad, you can request a duplicate passport.
Click Download to get the request for a second valid passport